Dermalogica is a high-grade skin care line that is known to bring results and it was at one time only available to qualified skin care professionals, now its open to the public and you can get the results at home!
Essential Cleansing Solution
We all know how harsh cleansers can be when you wash your face. Not only does it take off your makeup -which is great but it strips your face natural oils, leaving your face feeling dry and tight. This cleansing solution is awesome for me because it leaves my skin so hydrated and supple. You can use it twice a day, everyday.
Daily Resurfacer
It comes with 35 pre-packaged applicators to help signs of aging, rough skin texture, and discoloration. The applicator slides on your index and middle finger like a finger puppet! You put slight pressure directly in the center for the product to be dispense. It’s great for everyday because it isn’t to harsh but I don’t recommend exfoliating daily, I would say 2-3 times a week would be more beneficial.
Skin Smoothing Cream
This is a perfect everyday moisturizer! It’s very light-weight and gentle. It is packs with amino acids, antioxidants, and aloe to help smooth, hydrate, and fight against free radicals.
Skin Hydrating Booster
My skin is usually normal to dry so I’m always on the prowl for hydrating products! This one is fabulous because I can slip it into my moisturizer! Most importantly it isn’t greasy at all. It’s also great if you have dry patches, you can easily place the booster directly on them.
All products listed are great every skin type, but some favor dry skin more.